Best Commercial Cleaning Services In Ithaca, NY 14850, Upholstery Cleaning With Advantage Cleaning Services

Best Commercial Cleaning Services In Ithaca, NY 14850, Upholstery Cleaning With Advantage Cleaning Services


How to get rid of clothing moths

Clothing moths are real problem in some areas. Regulating the humidity and temperature can be one of the easiest ways of getting rid of clothing moths. Clothing moths are living in areas where room humidity is around 68-80%. This means that you should use regularly running dehumidifier, that is set to extra dry. And set the dehumidifier to the room where you are storing your clothes.Click on,, or for related articles.You can prevent clothing moth problem with regular vacuuming. Vacuum under furniture, in corners, in closets and along baseboards. And remember to get rid of vacuum cleaner bags after you´ve done vacuuming, as they might contain clothing moth eggs or adult insects.Also regular ironing will help you to get rid of clothing moths. Clothes moths can dine on fabric like cotton, and ironing will remove any larvae that is present in the fabric.MothballsUsage of mothballs is not recommended anymore. International agency for research on cancer classified the main ingredient in mothballs (ingredient being naphthalene) as a harmful substance to humans.Moth trapsNowadays there is a wide range of moth traps available. Most of the newer moth traps are odor free and non-toxic.Choosing a moth trapIn basics, all traps attract the same range of species. So you should think, do you want the moth trap to be portable. Or are you going to use it in the garden/outdoors, and then go and buy the one that suits you best.