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We Offer Janitorial Services For Aflred Station, N.Y. 14803!!


Caring For Commercial Carpet
Carpet is a cozy and colorful covering that requires care and attention to maintain its vibrancy and feel.
By Aaron Baunee
JANUARY 08, 2013 No Comments
KEYWORDS carpet / chemical / cleaning / equipment / facility / health / manufacturers / procedures / products

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After carpet has been selected as the flooring surface in a facility, cleaning staffs need to contemplate several factors to maximize the useful life of the carpet.

Carpet SquaresSome of those factors include foot traffic, climate and facility use.

However, these factors, which are non-constant variables that differ in each facility, cannot always be controlled.

Instead, there are certain protocols facilities managers can put into place to keep these variables from prematurely wearing or damaging carpeting.

These procedures include daily vacuuming, interim processes, periodic deep cleaning and training staffs as to the proper chemical and equipment selection and employing ideal procedures to match specific tasks.

Traditional products are being revamped, upgraded and remodeled to promote ergonomics, productivity and overall safety.

In some cases, training is required for complete understanding of newer products, but manufacturers are working steadfast to make the equipment easier and more intuitive.

In addition to products being easier to use, chemical manufacturers are taking into consideration the potentially negative consequences to user health.

As such, several manufacturers are reformulating their products to be less caustic and safer not only for end user and building occupant health, but the environment, too.

To learn more, check out the January 2013 Carpet Care Product Showcase.

Aaron Baunee, a graduate of the University at Albany with a double major in history and journalism, is the managing editor of Cleaning & Maintenance Management magazine. He can be reached at ABaunee@EBSCO.com. In his years with the publication, Baunee has amassed numerous articles, columns and commentaries pertaining to commercial cleaning and maintenance. Baunee encourages readers to communicate editorial ideas to him and welcomes discussions on pertinent industry happenings. Connect through social media: LinkedIn.com/in/AaronBaunee, Facebook.com/CMMOnline and Twitter.com/CMeNewsDaily.

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