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We Offer Janitorial Cleaning For Elmira, N.Y. 14903!!


Winter bliss/winter blues

By Jeff Cross, senior editor

February 03, 2012

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By the time you read this, we will be solidly in the middle of winter. Snow is flying, ice is underfoot and cold temperatures have settled in and taken hold of our souls.

Well, unless you are in California, Arizona, Florida or any of those nice, cozy and warm states. We Northerners envy you, until August anyway. Right now, you may be in winter bliss, while others are shivering and suffering the winter blues.

So my question is this: What are you doing to stay busy this winter season? Perhaps you don''t want to be busy, and just want to enjoy the slow season. I remember the days when I was in business. I did not like leaving my cozy home to plow through snow banks and drag hoses to customers'' homes. I used winter to escape to Cancun.

Some of you may run small companies — one or two trucks — and when there is no work you just wait it out. You have an advantage in that you probably don''t have a crew washing the work truck windows for the 10th time, wondering when the next job will be.

Others may have several trucks and crews, and may have to lay off workers during the cold winter months. It''s typical and expected for many companies.

Those of you who are busy right now probably worked out a marketing plan and you were proactive. And that''s what it takes when you live and work in the northern climates, when the last thing on customers'' minds is having their carpet cleaned. Maybe this is why so many of you have diversified into restoration? A water or fire event doesn''t pay attention to the seasons.

Last month in my editorial section, I wrote about how important it is to set aside time to do your marketing and to build your business. Now that it is the middle of the winter, you might find this pretty easy to do, as far as having time on your hands.

It may be too late to get busy this winter season, but spring is just around the corner and, once the weather breaks, you should have your marketing message in place and get those reminder cards going.

Start taking a look at your customer database. Where is the money coming from? No doubt you will see it is from a small percentage of your customer list. The majority of your customers might occasionally use your services. The good, profitable ones use you regularly.

Is it smart to market to everyone? Depends on your goals, but at minimum start getting ready to remind those you know will respond favorably and give you some business.

Remember that some people need to be reminded several times before they respond… don''t rely on one mailing. Get ready to do at least three, and the payoff should be pretty decent.

Here''s an idea: Although most don''t like telemarketing campaigns (think of the last time someone called you at home trying to sell you something and how you reacted), it does work for those customers who know you and trust you and might be ready to have something cleaned.

Maybe telemarketing can make a comeback. After all, according to a Gallup poll I came across the other day, 64 percent of Americans rate the honesty and ethical standards (i.e. trust) of members of congress as "low" or "very low." The article I read said this means Congress now rates below telemarketers.

So is telemarketing all bad? It''s for you to decide.

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